The following are important VLSI Commands

Important VLSI Commands.


  1. Check-out
  2. cvs co <file/dir>

  3. Check-in
  4. cvs ci –m "<message>" <file> or

    cvs ci <file> (message can be given in vi editor)

    "commit" can also be used alternatively instead of "ci"

  5. Addition of new file
  6. Copy the file to the directory of check-in, and give following two commands

    cvs add <file>

    cvs ci –m "<message>" <file>

  7. Addition of new directory
  8. Go to the directory under which new sub directory needs to be created,

    mkdir <new-dir> è Create dir

    chown <current-grp>:cvsg <new-dir> è Change the group to "cvsg"

    cvs add <new-dir> è add to repository

  9. Update
  10. cvs up <file> è Updates local copy to latest version if sticky tag is reset

    cvs up –A <file> è Updates local copy to latest version by resetting the sticky tag

    cvs up –r <version> <file> Updates the local copy to the version specified, sticky tag will be set to <version> after execution of this command. "cvs up <file>" command will update the local copy to version <version> if the sticky tag is set to <version>. Always better to –A option to get the latest version (top of tree)

    cvs up –r <tag> <file> è update the copy with specified tag from repository

  11. Removing a file
  12. Usage: cvs remove [-flR] [files...]

    -f Delete the file before removing it.

    -l Process this directory only (not recursive).

    -R Process directories recursively.

  13. Finding the status
  14. cvs stat <file>

  15. Check-in history
  16. cvs log <file>

  17. Diff
  18. cvs diff <file> è diffs the local copy with repository copy (latest)

    cvs diff –r <ver1> -r <ver2> <file> è diffs the file of two versions specified.

  19. Help on particular command
  20. cvs <command> --help

  21. Header related fields (automatically filled)
  22. File name : $RCSfile $

    Check-in author : $Author $

    Revision : $Revision $

    Last Modified : $Date $

    Id : $Id $

    Footer related fields (automatically filled)

    $Log $

  23. CVS e-mail notification
  24. Go to the CVSROOT directory of <project> directory (login as root) and add following line in "loginfo" file.

    <project_name> mail –s %s: <email_id_1>, <email_id_2>

  25. CVS Import of project (first time)

cvs import <project> <project> start


Code Coverage


Structural code coverage locates areas of a program that were not exercised by a set of test cases. Functional coverage assures that the major functions of the design have been adequately tested.


Code coverage measures how thoroughly a testbench exercises the lines of HDL code that describe a design. The coverage results reveal the areas of the design that have not been fully tested, or that did not meet a desired coverage criteria. When provided with this information, you can develop tests to target the untested or under tested areas.

For example, block coverage information can tell you whether or not various sections of the design were ever stimulated by test vectors. FSM coverage can help you determine whether or not all possible states in a state machine were visited.

Functional coverage is generated by inserting PSL, SystemVerilog assertion statements, or SystemVerilog covergroup statements into the HDL code and simulating the design. The assertions create functional coverage points that specify test scenarios that you want to cover. Functional coverage shows the amount of design functionality exercised simulation, which can help prove that a design is functionally correct.

Block coverage monitors all exercisable blocks in the Verilog/VHDL source code and identifies those not exercised during simulation.

Expression coverage monitors expressions in continuous assignments and procedural control constructs (if/case conditions).

Toggle coverage—reports coverage based on signal activity.

Finite state machine coverage Shows state visitation and arcs.



Linux commands



Show list of files in current directory


l à long, a à hidden, r à alphabetical order, t à timestamp


Changing the permissions of files/directories

chmod +x <filename>

chmod +w <filename>

chmod +r <filename>

chmod 744 <filename>

chmod 777 <filename>

Ex. 777 = 111 111 111 = {owner, group, others}

111 = {r, w, x} = {read, write, execute}


Copy the files/directory to destination

cp source destination à copies destination to source (file)

cp –r source destination à copies recursively (directory)



man <command> à help of the command

Ex. man mv

cd <dir_name> à change directory

mkdir <dir_name> à create new directory

cd à go to home directory

pwd à displays present working directory


find . –name "*.v" à finds all files with extension .v recursively from current location

find . –name "*.v" –print

find . –type d à all the directories from current location recursively

find ~ -type d à all the directories from /home/$USER/ recursively

find . –type f à all the files from current location recursively

find ~ -type f à all the files from current location recursively

find . –size 0 à zero length files

find . –exec grep "word" {} \; -print à find word in all files recursively


Display disk space

du(disk usage)

du –s ., du -sk à number of blocks on disk, suppress individual directory details

du, du ., du –sk * à space in Kilobytes, individual dir/file wise

df, df –k . à total space , disk free command



rm <file_name> à removes the file

rm –i <file_name> à interactive remove

rm –rf <dir> à removes directory

rm <dir> à if directory is empty


head <file> à displays first 10 lines of the file

head –n <file> à displays first n lines of the file

tail <file> à last 10 lines

tail –n <file> à last n lines


Global Regular Expression Parser (GREP)

grep "word" <file> à searches for the word in the file

grep "^module" <file> à searches for the lines start with "module"

grep "^module$" <file> à searches for the lines end with "module"

grep "word" <file> | wc –l à searches for word in file and gives the number of occurrences

| à Unix pipe, output of one command is given as input to the next command


sort <file> à sorts the file in alphabetical order

sort <file> > sorted_file à sorts and output will be redirected to sorted_file

>> à append mode

> à overwrite mode


wc (word count)

wc <file> à displays line, word, character count of the file

wc –l <file à only line count

wc –w <file> à only word count

wc –c <file> à only character count


diff <file1> <file2> à diffs two files

diff –r –w <dir1> <dir2> à diffs two directories

sdiff <file1> <file2> à diffs and results will be placed side by side


cat <file> à displays file contents

cat <file> | more à displays one page(one screen on console) at a time, goes to second screen on pressing space bar (more command – can be piped with any other command)


mv <file1> <file2> à renaming the file, can also be used to move the files in different directories




ps –l à own process details

ps –la à all processes

ps –u <user> à process details of particular user

ps –u <user> | grep <keyword> à searches for particular process of a particular user, process defined by keyword

kill -9 <PID> à kill process having ID, PID (sure kill)

env à lists environment variables and their values

env | grep <user> à environment variables of particular user

setenv CVSROOT /proj/asics in .cshrc file à setting up environment variable

setenv CVSROOT = /proj/asics/ in bash à setting up environment variable

echo $ENV_VARIABLE à displaying the value of environment variable ENV_VARIABLE

who à list of users logged in

who am i à current user

which perl à perl source directory

alias dir ‘ls –l | grep ^d’ à alias for listing directories

alias ll ‘ls –l | more’




